Dovetail fire rated doors & doorsets are suitable for use across a range of industries. As a certified company you can be confident that all fire rated doors & doorsets are manufactured to meet the rigorous standards of the BMTRADA Q-Mark certification scheme. 

To protect our environment, timber is procured as determined by the BMTRADA Chain of Custody scheme for forest sustainability

All our fire rated doors & doorsets are manufactured to individual client requirements ensuring a product that’s unique to you. Our team of experienced estimators will work closely with you during the quotation process to ensure they have fully understood your requirements.

To ensure auditable compliance is achieved the quotation is prepared in-line with the global assessments for Strebord and Flamebreak cores.

Fully compliant intumescent seals, relevant to your own individual project are available in a range of colours.

Please contact us for full details of the certification guidelines and scope of our manufacturing capabilities.

A warm welcome awaits you at our contract showroom in Dundee, a space designed to demonstrate our extensive manufacturing capabilities. See our contact page for details of opening times.

Fire Rated Doors & DoorsetsComplete your refurbishment

As well as extensive manufacturing capabilities for doors & doorsets we also manufacture furniture plus mattresses & bed bases from our site in Dundee.

Our projects page showcases a small selection of the work we have completed over the years.

Further details of how we can work with you can be found on our  Architects, Designers & Specifiers page.

Need help . . .

Please visit our contact us page we would love to hear from you.



Our reputation for manufacturing  fully certified doors & doorsets extends across both public, private & third sectors and includes;

  • single, double or half leaf
  • vision panels, beading, inserts, side screens, fanlights and over panels
  • glazing options of either clear, wired or opaque
  • laminated, veneered, painted or primed for site finishing
  • hardwood lippings; concealed, exposed or semi-concealed
  • finger guard options for the education and leisure sectors
  • surface cladding and edge protection for the healthcare industry
  • selection of options available for frames
  • double or single swing
  • full CE marked ironmongery packages or machining to your samples
  • signage available
  • complete your doorset package with skirting’s and facings supplied by Dovetail

Fire & Smoke Ratings

Complying with the appropriate global assessments we manufacture and certify:

  • FD30 and FD60 fire rated doors & doorsets.
  • FD30s and FD60s fire & smoke rated doors & doorsets for cold smoke certification.
  • We can also cover your requirements for FD90 & FD120 doorsets.